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Update your passwords now

If you’re like most people, you probably have passwords that are easy to remember or use the same one for multiple accounts. But by doing either of these, you could be putting yourself at risk to cyberattacks. To ensure the security of your online accounts, follow the latest password guidelines from the National Institute of […]

Android accessories to take your smartphone use to the next level

If you’ve got a new Android phone and are looking for something classy and trendy to go with it, or if you’re trying to find the perfect gift for your mobile-obsessed friend, look no further. We’ve rounded up the best Android accessories on the market so that you can make an informed decision. Camera lens […]

Keep your iPhone text messages private with these tips

If you’re a business owner who relies on text messages to communicate with employees, clients, or customers, it’s essential to ensure the privacy and security of your messages. Unfortunately, there are many ways for others to go through your texts if they have access to your mobile phone. In this blog post, we will discuss […]

What is firmware and why is it important?

Securing your small business is a never-ending battle, but there are some steps you can take to make it a little bit easier. One of those steps is making sure your firmware is up to date. But what is firmware and why is it crucial to update it regularly? Read on to learn more. What […]

What are the costs associated with owning a VoIP system?

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems are a more cost-effective alternative to traditional phone systems. For a fixed monthly bill, you get enterprise-grade business communication tools but without the expensive call rates of old landline telephones. But despite its affordability, there are still several costs associated with implementing a VoIP phone system. 1. Initial costs […]

Streamline your schedule with Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 is chock-full of features that can help businesses stay organized and connected. One of these is the ability to share calendars with co-workers. In this blog post, we will walk you through the steps in sharing calendars using Microsoft 365. What is Outlook? Outlook is a personal information manager from Microsoft, available as […]

What is single sign-on and why should you be using it

If you use multiple applications and accounts for work, you know how frustrating it can be to have to enter different usernames and passwords for each one. That’s where single sign-on comes in. What is single sign on? Single sign-on or SSO is an authentication method that lets users access several applications and websites with […]

Avoid these 5 common IT investment mistakes

Investing in new technology is a great way to drive business growth. For instance, purchasing new servers can boost your employees’ ability to multitask and their productivity, while subscribing to a project management solution can help everyone meet their deadlines. However, you can only enjoy these business benefits if you avoid the following mistakes when […]

What you need to know about the new Windows 11 update

The long-anticipated Windows 11 2022 update, or Windows 11 version 22H2, has now been released. This upgrade was the result of a year of development and testing done through the Windows Insider Program. Here are the latest changes and features that come with this update. Improved Start Menu Windows 11 22H2 update features three new […]